Scroll across for all my first-authored papers. The title will link you to the full paper, whilst the abstract for each is in the description. Scroll further down  for co-authored papers, reports and external blogs.
Scroll across for all published papers where I am one of several authors. Scroll further down for reports and external blogs.
Professor Ben Goldacre was commissioned by the government in February 2021 to review how to improve safety and security in the use of health data for research and analysis. The report, for which I was the lead researcher, makes 185 recommendations that would benefit patients and the healthcare sector.
The report is aimed at policy makers in the NHS and government, research funders and those who use the data for service planning, public health management and medical research. Patient representatives and the wider public may also have an interest in the report’s recommendations.
The report is informed by interviews, open sessions and deep dives with more than 100 stakeholders throughout academia and healthcare. The government’s response will be included in our upcoming health and social care data strategy, which was published in draft form in June 2021.
How to get it right, sets out the foundational policy work that was done to develop the plans for the NHS AI Lab. It outlines where in the system AI technologies can be used and the policy work that is, and will need to be done, to ensure the use of AI is safe, effective and ethical.​