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Podcasts, Lectures, Talks etc.

An evening discussion event organised by the Foundation for Science and Technology. The speakers were: - David Crosby, Head of Early Detection Research, Cancer Research UK - Mike Oldham, Director of Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Alzheimer's Research UK - Jessica Morely, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford - Tobias Rijken, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Kheiron Medical Technologies It was chaired by the Rt Hon the Lord Willetts FRS.

Using data for public health

Josh and Nayana are joined by fellow OII PhD student Jess Morley to discuss Jess’s wide-ranging research in the field of digital health—including Covid-19 contact tracing apps, the use and misuse of health data, and why we shouldn’t expect AI-powered chatbots to replace doctors anytime soon.

Will Large Language Models disrupt healthcare?

In this episode of the podcast I chat to Jess Morley. Jess is currently a DPhil candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute. Her research focuses on the use of data in healthcare, oftentimes on the impact of big data and AI, but, as she puts it herself, usually on 'less whizzy' things. Sadly, our conversation focuses on the whizzy things, in particular the recent hype about large language models and their potential to disrupt the way in which healthcare is managed and delivered. Jess is sceptical about the immediate potential for disruption but thinks it is worth exploring, carefully, the use of this technology in healthcare.

This is the recording of the first Day of the NHS-R Community Conference 2022. It includes a 15 minute presentation on the Goldacre Review.

Talk about the Goldacre Review at the Power of Data event, held October 2022.

An interview with Jess Morley, self confessed Health Data Nerd, co-author of the Goldacre review. All about ethics, AI, data, patient and public involvement, and Jess's thoughts on the Goldacre review and next steps.

In February 2021, Professor Ben Goldacre was commissioned by the UK Government to review how to improve safety and security in the use of health data for research and analysis. After a year of interviewing more the 300 people across the system, conducting open focus groups, and completing extensive desk research, the Review Better, Broader, Safer: Using Health Data for Research and Analysis was published on the 7th of April 2022. The Review makes approximately 185 recommendations across 6 areas: NHS Service Analytics, Open Working, Privacy and Security, Trusted Research Environments, Information Governance, Ethics, and Participation, and Data Curation. In this webinar, hosted by OII DPhil and Goldacre Review co-author Jess Morley, Professor Goldacre will give an overview of the recommendations in each of these areas, explaining what problems the recommendations are trying to solve, and what the overall proposed approach to working with NHS data will achieve


“How do we better use big health data, both for the population’s health and for the health of individuals? There are an enormous number of ethical implications, and we must do our best to consider them.”

Jessica discusses the gap between theory and practice in AI ethics, legislation and regulation in biotech and ethical mistakes versus ethical successes. 

In this online webinar Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the Oxford Internet Institute and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab, will examine the ethics of newly created COVID-19 tracking apps.He is joined by Jess Morley who is studying the MSc in Social Science of the Internet at the OII and is policy lead at the University’s DataLab.

Have you been thinking about AI in healthcare? What about how our personal health data is used? Jessica Morley joins us to discuss the technology gap within healthcare.

This event is also part of the Humanities Cultural Programme, one of the founding stones for the future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities.

How can AI systems influence our decision-making in ways that undermine autonomy? Do they do so in new or more problematic ways?
To what extent can we outsource tasks to AI systems without losing our autonomy?
Do we need a new conception of autonomy that incorporates considerations of the digital self?
Autonomy is a core value in contemporary Western societies – it is a value that is invoked across a range of debates in practical ethics, and it lies at the heart of liberal democratic theory. It is therefore no surprise that AI policy documents frequently champion the importance of ensuring the protection of human autonomy. At first glance, this sort of protection may appear unnecessary – after all, in some ways, it seems that AI systems can serve to significantly enhance our autonomy. They can give us more information upon which to base our choices, and they may allow us to achieve many of our goals more effectively and efficiently. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that AI systems do pose a number of threats to our autonomy. One (but not the only) example is the fact that they enable the pervasive and covert use of manipulative and deceptive techniques that aim to target and exploit well-documented vulnerabilities in our decision-making. This raises the question of whether it is possible to harness the considerable power of AI to improve our lives in a manner that is compatible with respect for autonomy, and whether we need to reconceptualize both the nature and value of autonomy in the digital age. In this session, Carina Prunkl, Jessica Morley and Jonathan Pugh engage with these general questions, using the example of mHealth tools as an illuminating case study for a debate about the various ways in which an AI system can both enhance and hinder our autonomy.

Hear from Charles Radclyffe, AI Governance and AI Ethics Specialist who will be discussing how you can measure and monitor AI ethics to avoid the ‘techlash’. Hear from Jess Morley,  DPhil Candidate, Oxford Internet Institute who will be discussing the ethics of AI in Healthcare and how to be mindful.

This is a Coproduce Care Chat that we recorded back in January 2020 - which feels like a long time before COVID-19. Jess's insights into NHSx, AI, NHS digital, algorithms and how these are all used or not used in policy-making, is extremely enlightening and informative.

Lecture & Panel at King's College London

One HealthTech London's Lunchtime Sessions are back, this time hosted by our pals of all things data science at the Alan Turing Institute. This series aims to showcase the tip top folks working to make healthtech policy the best it can be, whilst also lifting the lids on their personal career journeys, current projects and future hopes... but without all the policy guff (keepin' it real folks). The sessions will be 1 hour long in a "fireside chat" format, so perfect for you to nip out in your lunch break. As ever, these events are BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch), so grab your sarnie and coffee and spend a fun and informative lunch break. In this session we have the tip top Jess Morley (Tech Adviser, Department of Health and Social Care & Research Assistant, Data Ethics Lab, Oxford Internet Institute) and Indra Joshi (Digital Health & AI Clinical Lead, NHS England) who will be discussing all sorts, including the behind-the-scenes of the Code of Conduct for data-driven health.

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